Friday, December 2, 2011

Working On Junk Mail Book

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(Picasa is giving me lots of trouble these days , very frustrating.) My sister and i are taking Carla Sonheim's fun class "Junk Mail Artist Book" and in spite of my very hectic life right now i have been able to finish the pages and bind them (the easiest way possible) into this book. Now onto the drawing part The junk mail were first heavily gessoed then several coats of watercolors were applied followed by a slight be followed


marie said...

Oh là là c'est magnifique! Quelles belles couleurs, quelle belle texture! Terre et mer : terre, écorces d'arbres, sable, et le bleu de la méditerranée... J'attends la suite avec impatience! Es-tu sûre qu'il faille y faire des dessins? C'est déjà tellement beau comme ça!! Gremelgremelgremel...

lynne h said...

wow, this book is *gorgeous*!! xoxo

nelleke said...

he, that's nice to see, I was thinking of taking this class, but didn't have the time for it now...

I like the textures and I'm curious what will happen next...

franswazz said...

so heartwarming to see your comments, a big thank you!
lots of ♥♥♥

rivergardenstudio said...

This book is beautiful. I love the cover, and all the subtle colors and roughness.

Glycérine said...

Hey, I m coming from your sister's blog and I d like to tell you how much I love your work euh je sais pas pourquoi je parle anglais.. ah sii par politesse pour les lecteurs... donc voilà je vais venir faire un tour de temps en temps..
A bientot !
Oh I forgot, your pages are really beautiful ! Good work !!

franswazz said...

Rivergardenstudio and Glycérine, thank you for the visit and nice words! Happy art making!

Anna Schüler said...

This looks great and I never saw something like this before. I find this way of making art very interesting.
Greets from gemany


Lisa Graham said...

Love the colors you have going on here!

Big thanks for your sweet words recently : )

Unknown said...

Cant wait to see the finished product - looks so earthy.

Unknown said...

Loving the layering of the pages and how they unfold. So glad you shared this